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Company Settings



Fine-tune your company's General, Mobile or Web Dashboard settings in GoSpotCheck by navigating to the User Dropdown > Settings menu.

NOTE: The Company Settings page is accessible by Company Admins only.

General Settings

Enable User Assigned Places (UAPs)

  • Allows a company admin to assign specific Places to users. Please note that User Assigned Places should also be enabled in all Missions if this setting is turned on.

Hide Unanswered Optional Tasks

  • Hides unanswered optional tasks from Mission Responses, including PDFs and Share Links.

Mobile Settings

Enable Mobile App Notifications

  • Enables mobile notifications for all users in the company. You will be able to turn notifications on or off individually when launching a mission.

Add New Places in the Mobile App

  • Allows mobile app users to add Places that are not a part of your Place list to GoSpotCheck via the Mobile App. 

Assign a UAP to Places Added in the Mobile App

  • When a mobile user adds a New Place to GoSpotCheck, it should be automatically assigned to that user as a User Assigned Place. 

Copy & Start Mission Responses

  • Allows mobile app users to copy over the contents of a previously-submitted Mission Response into a brand new Mission Response (excludes photos and signature tasks).

Show Mission Responses from all Users under Place History

  • Allows mobile app users to see recent Mission Responses submitted by other users on their Team in the History tab of the Place Details page.

Show All Mission Responses under Place History

  • Allows mobile app users to see recent Mission Responses submitted by any mobile app user in the History tab of the Place Details page.

Enable Mission response Sharing via a ‘Share Link’

  • Allows mobile app users the option to open or share a link to a submitted Mission Response.

Enable Mission Responses Sharing via a PDF

  • Allows mobile app users to email themselves a PDF copy of a submitted Mission Response.

Show Place Property Details

  • Allows mobile app users to see Place property data on the Place Details page, and filter on these properties on the Choose a Place page.

Enable Search All Places

  • Allows mobile app users to search for any Place in your company, regardless of how far away the Places are from the user and whether Missions are available at that Place.

Enable "Search This Area" on the Map View

  • Allows mobile app users to navigate to any location on the map and find Places that have available Missions.

Web Dashboard Settings

Enable Mission Response Sharing via a “Share Link”

  • Allows web dashboard users the option to share a link to a submitted Mission Response or set of photos from a task response.
If you have any questions about the impact of turning a particular setting on or off, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss each option and how it will affect your individual use case.
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