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Managing Missions



New Mission Builder

Legacy Mission Builder


New Mission Builder


What is a Mission?

Viewing Missions

Searching Missions

Sorting Missions

Mission actions









What is a Mission? 

All GoSpotCheck (MarketX) functionality centers around Missions. Missions are the medium through which your team collects field data. Unlike traditional survey tools, Missions are a grouping of various assignments, known as tasks, that were designed with field teams in mind. Administrators build Missions using the web dashboard and users complete Missions using the mobile app

Viewing Missions

To view your organization’s Missions, click on the Missions header at the top of your company profile. 

Missions are grouped into six folders by status:

  1. Started: Missions that are currently available to users on mobile devices
  2. Scheduled: Missions that are scheduled to start automatically at a later date 
  3. Draft: Missions that have not yet been started or scheduled and remain in an editable state
  4. Stopped: Missions that were active but have been stopped by an administrator
  5. Archived: Missions that have been moved into the archive, making their data unviewable. Note: Missions can be removed from the archive and will automatically be moved into the ‘stopped’ folder
  6. All: includes Missions across all five Mission statuses 

Searching Missions

Searching You can search for a specific Mission by typing all or part of a Mission name in the search box located to the right of the Mission status folders. This search will only return results within the selected Mission status folder. To search across all Missions, click into the All folder before beginning your search. 


Expand search results by adjusting the rows per page number at the bottom of the Mission list. 


Sorting Missions

Search results can be sorted by ID, Name, Status, Copy & Start, Allowed Teams, Allowed Place Groups, and Total Responses. Simply click on the column header to sort results in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order. 

  • ID: Sort by the highest or lowest numerical Mission ID number.
  • Name: Sort Missions by name, A-Z or Z-A.
  • Status: Sort Mission status by name, A-Z or Z-A.
  • Copy & Start: sort by whether or not Copy & Start responses are allowed across Missions. If a Mission is configured for Copy & Start, this will show ‘Allowed’. If a Mission is not configured for Copy & Start, this will show ‘ - ’.  
  • Allowed Teams: sort by the total number of teams assigned to Missions in ascending or descending order. 
  • Allowed Place Groups: sort by the total number of place groups assigned to Missions in ascending or descending order. 
  • Total Responses: sort by the total number of submitted Mission responses in ascending or descending order. 

Mission actions

Depending on the status of your Mission, there are a number of different actions you can take to manage the Mission or change its status. 

Below are the different actions you can take for each Mission status:

Started Mission Scheduled Missions Draft Missions Stopped Missions Archived Missions
Stop Start Start Archive Unarchive
Copy Delete Delete Copy  
  Edit Edit    



To start a Mission, click the Deploy Mission button at the top of the Mission builder.  Ensure the draft Mission has been assigned to at least one team and place group before deploying. This will make the Mission immediately available to members of the assigned team unless you have set a Mission schedule that dictates a specific date and time at which the Mission should start. 


A stopped Mission is no longer available to users. To stop a Mission:

  1. Navigate to a started Mission’s profile and click the Stop Mission button
  2. OR click Stop on any Mission in the started Missions folder


Copying a Mission creates a replica of an existing Mission, including sections, tasks, teams, and place groups. It does not copy responses from the existing Mission and will copy the Mission into a draft state to allow for edits. 

To copy a started Mission, click the Copy button located at the far right of the Missions list: 


To copy a draft Mission from the Mission Builder, click the three dots to the left of the Deploy Mission button and select Copy Mission



You can edit a live Mission by clicking the Edit button in the top right-hand corner of a Mission profile: 

Read more on editing a live Mission here


When you no longer need to view the data/reporting associated with a stopped Mission, you can archive the Mission. Archiving is a helpful way to clean out the number of Missions in the Stopped folder. 

To archive a stopped Mission, navigate to the Stopped Missions folder and click Archive on the desired Mission: 


NOTE: Archiving a mission will remove all submitted mission data from reporting and PhotoWorks. Unarchiving the mission will not retrieve that data. Archiving a mission is our way of allowing you to "delete" a mission and its data without physically deleting it. If you unarchive a mission, it will exist in the web app only and can be exported from there.

To remove a Mission from the archive, navigate to the Archived Missions folder and click Unarchive:


This will automatically place the Mission back into a Stopped status. 


Only Missions in a draft state can be deleted. Contact your Customer Success Manager to permanently delete a previously started Mission. To delete a draft:

  1.  Navigate to the Draft Missions folder and click delete: 
  2. OR navigate to the Mission builder canvas, click the three dots to the left of the Deploy Mission button, and select Delete draft:


Legacy Mission Builder

Depending on the status of your mission, there are a number of different actions you can take to help manage it. 

Below are the different actions you can take for each mission status:

Started Missions Scheduled Missions Draft Missions Stopped Missions Archived Missions
Stop Start Start Archive Unarchive
Copy Edit Delete Copy  
  Delete Edit    


The green "Start" button is used to deploy a Mission immediately. In order to start a Mission it must be assigned to at least one Team and one Place Group, include a Name and Description, and at least one task. Only Missions in that have been started are visible in the Mobile App.


When you stop a mission, is it no longer available for field users to complete. Stopped missions can be archived or copied.


When you copy a mission, it copies the entire mission structure, including sections, tasks, Teams and Place Groups.

It does not copy the responses. When you copy a mission, before starting it, make sure to verify that the Teams, Place Groups and properties are what you want.


Clicking the Edit button on a Draft or Scheduled Mission to return to the mission editing page. You can also edit a mission that has been started. To learn more, see Editing a Live Mission


When you no longer need to view the data/reporting associated with a stopped mission, you can Archive it. Archiving a mission is a helpful way to clean out the Stopped Missions section


Should you desire to review the reporting associated with an Archived mission, you will need to click the Unarchive button. This changes the mission status from Archived to Stopped. 


Only Draft missions can be deleted. Contact your Customer Success Manager to permanently delete a previously started mission. Otherwise, you can Stop or Archive a mission. 


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