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Schedule a Mission



New Mission Builder

Legacy Mission Builder


New Mission Builder


What is a Mission schedule?

Set a Mission schedule

Start a Mission

Select a schedule type

Configure mission response limits

Stop a Mission

What is a Mission schedule?

A Mission schedule dictates the time period over which a Mission is available to mobile app users. Admins can schedule Missions to run during certain hours of the day, on certain days of the week, or on a recurring basis. Mission scheduling ensures Missions automatically start and stop as desired.

Set a Mission schedule

To schedule a Mission, navigate to a draft Mission and click Schedule: 


The Schedule tab allows admins to dictate when and for how long a Mission is available. 

Start a Mission 

The Start this Mission settings determine when a Mission becomes available for users to submit responses. It can be set to Immediately or On a later date. 

To schedule a Mission for immediate availability, select Immediately. 

To schedule a Mission to begin on a later date, select On and choose a desired start date. If scheduled on a later date, the Mission will automatically begin at 12:01 am (in your company timezone) on the start date specified. 

Select a schedule type

Select a schedule type dictates whether or not the Mission is available anytime or on a designated recurring schedule. There are three schedule types: Anytime, Recurring, and Rolling. 

To make a Mission available at all times of day, click Anytime. 

Anytime Schedule Type.png

To set a recurring schedule, click Recurring and customize the Mission schedule as needed. The recurring schedule allows you to make the mission available to users during specific windows of time.

Recurring Schedule Type.png

The recurring schedule options include: 

  1. Daily: Mission will be available every day of the week, between the hours you determine. 
  2. Days Per Week: Missions will be available on certain days of the week. You can choose the day and time the Mission will become available to your users and the day and time that it’s due every week. 
  3. Weekly: Missions will be available in the same week of every month. 
  4. Monthly: Missions will be available for at least one day during the month. You can choose which day of the month as well as the Mission’s start and end times.

TIP: For Daily and Weekly Missions, the time zone for each user will be specific to their device. For example, if you have users in multiple time zones, they will have the Mission available to them in the mobile app during your selected timeframe in their own local time zone.

To set a rolling schedule, click Rolling and customize the Mission schedule as needed.

Rolling Schedule_Visual.png

The rolling schedule allows you to set a limit of how many times a single user can visit a single place within a set amount of time. If the user meets the limit for the place, they will no longer see the Mission as available until the time period is passed. The user would then see the Mission as available.

Select the number of times a user can visit a single place and the time period before the limit resets. The time period can be set for up to a year in advance, either by days, weeks, or months.

If a mobile user has reached the limit for the defined time period, they will see messaging in the mobile application that tells them the date of when that Mission or Place is available to them again.

Example of how the system calculates the specified rolling time period:

  • An Admin sets a 1 visit per Place Limit every 90 days.
  • A mobile user completes Mission A at Place 456 on 4/3/22 at 4:45PM (local device time zone). That same user would see Mission A available to them again at Place 456 on 6/2/22 at 12am (local device time zone).
  • The logic considers 4/3/22 to be Day 0 of 90.

Configure mission response limits

The Schedule tab also includes the ability to configure mission response limits. This will prevent users from submitting any additional responses to the Mission once their prescribed limit has been met.

For Missions with a recurring schedule, responses can also be limited per day by place or by user. The schedule will default to allowing unlimited responses, but you can adjust the count of responses to any number between 1-100. Then, establish whether or not the limit is per place or per user. 

For Missions without a recurring schedule, configure mission response limits in the Set response limits section of the schedule configuration settings: 

Stop a Mission

Stop this Mission controls when a Mission will no longer be available to users. Missions can be stopped manually or on a set schedule. 

To stop a Mission manually, select Manually. 

To schedule a Mission to stop on a specified date, select On. The Mission will automatically stop at 11:59 pm (company timezone) on the selected date. 

Mission Scheduling allows Mission creators and editors to dictate a time period in which the Mission is available for mobile app users to complete. Admins can schedule Missions during certain hours of the day or days of the week, or set recurring Missions for daily or weekly completion. Scheduling ensures your Mission will automatically start and stop when desired.


Legacy Mission Builder

Schedule a Mission's Start/Stop Date 

To set a specific Start/Stop date for the Mission:

  1. From the Mission Builder, navigate to the Schedule tab. From here, you can configure your Mission’s schedule. 
  2. Under Start This Mission, select either Immediately or On to choose when your Mission is available to your mobile app users. Clicking Immediately will make your Mission available immediately. Selecting a scheduled date will automatically launch your Mission at 12:01 am (in the timezone of your company) on the start date you enter. 

Schedule Mission Availability

  1. The Select a Schedule Type feature allows you to determine when users can complete the Mission. Options include Anytime or Recurring. Selecting Anytime will allow Missions to be available to mobile app users at all times. Selecting Recurring will allow Missions to be available during specific windows of time, such as Daily, Days Per Week, Weekly or Monthly.

    • Daily—Mission will be available every day of the week, between the hours you determine. 
    • Days Per Week—Missions will be available during certain days of each week. You can choose the day and time the Mission will become available to your users and the day and time that it’s due every week. 
    • Weekly—Mission will be available on the same week of every month. 
    • Monthly—Missions available at least one day during the month. You can choose which day of the month and at what time a Mission starts and ends.
  2. Utilize the dropdown to choose how many responses should be submitted per day/week/month per place or per user. 
TIP: For Daily and Weekly Missions, the time zone for each user will be specific to their device. For example, if you have users in multiple time zones, they will have the Mission available to them in the mobile app during your selected timeframe in their own local time zone.
  1. Under Stop this mission, select either Manually or On a scheduled date. Selecting a scheduled date will automatically end your Mission at 11:59 pm (company time) on the date you select.
  2. Click Set Response Limits to set limits to mission responses.
  • Limit responses per place: Limits the total number of times the mission is able to be completed at a specific location. Useful if you only need the data from each location a specific number of times. For example, if you enter the number "1" into this field, the mission will disappear from that place on all users' devices after the mission is completed once at that place.
  • Limit responses per user: Limits the total number of times an individual user is able to complete this mission, regardless of place. After achieving the maximum number, the mission will no longer appear on a user's device.

TIP: View all Scheduled Missions in the Scheduled tab on the Missions page. Click the Scheduled Start Date column to sort Scheduled Missions in order of their intended start date.

Edit the Schedule of a Started Mission

For Missions that have already begun, admins can modify the Mission’s schedule.

  1. Navigate to the Mission Overview page of the Mission you want to edit.
  2. Click Modify Schedule.
  3. Follow the instructions above. 
  4. Click Save Mission 

Stop a Mission

  1. To stop a Mission immediately, click on the Stop button on the Mission Overview page or click Stop Mission from the Mission Index page. 
  2. Clicking Stop Mission removes availability of the Mission to your mobile app users. However, if users are in the middle of this Mission, they will still be able to submit their responses. 

A few things to keep in mind…

  • Start & End Dates are in the Company Time Zone: The Mission start date will fall at 12:01 AM in your company’s listed timezone. Likewise, a Mission stop date will fall at 11:59 PM in your company’s listed timezone.
  • You do not have to schedule Missions: Missions can be started and stopped immediately by simply ignoring the Mission Scheduling link.
  • Mission Editing: Editing an in-progress Mission will not affect its current schedule. Instead, you can change the schedule of an In-Progress Mission using the "Modify Mission Schedule" button.
  • Copying a Mission does not copy the Mission Schedule: If desired, you will need to set a new schedule when copying a Mission.
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