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Task Types



New Mission Builder

Legacy Mission Builder


New Mission Builder

GoSpotCheck Missions have twelve supported task types:  

Task Type Users can:
Multiple Choice select one option from a list
Multiple Select select more than one option from a list
Yes/No input a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ response
Searchable List select from an imported list of brands, product types, SKU’s, and more 
Count enter a numeric value
Price enter a price 
Short Answer write a longer answer in paragraph format 
Scale select a value from a sliding scale
Picture capture live photos or upload images from a photo library
Signature input a digital signature 
Date enter a date, formatted as MM/DD/YYYY
Temperature record temperatures manually or with select Bluetooth thermometers
Display Components display read-only information in the form of a list or a data table



Legacy Mission Builder

Below is a list of all GoSpotCheck task types that can be used in Missions with an example image of the styled reporting tile, as it would appear on the main Mission Overview page. Our current task types include:

  1. Count Task
  2. Date Task
  3. Multiple Choice Task
  4. Multiple Select Task
  5. Photo Task
  6. Price Task
  7. Scale Task
  8. Searchable List Task
  9. Short Answer Task
  10. Signature Task
  11. Temperature Task
  12. Yes/No Task


Count Task

Count tasks allow the user to enter a numeric value. The reporting tile will show the lowest reported count, the highest, the sum, as well as the average.

Date Task

Allow the user to mark down a date, for instance, the date planned for follow-up training. The reporting tile will show the most frequent date (median) as well as the earliest date and the latest date.

Multiple Choice Task

Allow the user to choose from a list of options. This task also supports conditional tasks. The reporting tile will show a simple bar chart showing the number of responses for each option.

Multiple Select Task

Allow a user to select more than one option from a list of options. This task also supports conditional tasks. The reporting tile will display similarly to the multiple choice bar chart, showing the number of responses for each option.

Tip: You can reorder the options for multiple choice and multiple select tasks by hovering your mouse over the item number and dragging it to the desired placement.

Photo Task

Allow the user to access their camera to take a picture. The reporting tile will show the four most recent photos submitted by all users. More on photo tasks HERE.

Price Task

Allow the user to enter a number in a price format. The reporting tile will show the lowest reporting price, the highest reported price, the sum, and the average.

Scale Task

Allow a user to pick a value on a sliding scale using a slider bar. Custom name the left and right descriptions and assign a quantitative value for low and high. The reporting tile shows a line graph based on the number of responses for each value on the scale.

Short Answer Task

Allow the user to write text in a paragraph format. Short answer responses do not technically have to be "short" as they do not have a character count limit. The reporting tile shows the most recent short answer responses.


Searchable List Task

Allow the user to search from an extensive list of options, such as brands, product type, etc. The user can choose as many items as necessary or an admin can specify the maximum number of items that a user can select. After making his/her selections, the user will see one set of sub-tasks that apply to all the selections.

In order to create a searchable list task, you will need to first provide the GoSpotCheck Support team with the list of items that you would like uploaded into the system. We can set up multiple searchable lists for your company, and then you will be able to choose the one you would like to use when creating each Mission. Though optional, if you wish to set a maximum number of items a user can select, you will also need to provide this number (numeric values only).

The reporting tile displays a list of the top responses from the searchable list, along with the number of responses for each item. The reporting tiles for the sub-tasks appear the same as they normally would.

When you are loading up a searchable list task in your app, you will either have a static list or an approved product list. This will affect how you see the items in your list and is configured by your company admin. Both of these types of lists work the same in the app and have the same features.

A static list means that this list will never change. You will get the same list in the same order every time you start this Mission no matter where you’re at.

If the list is set up as an approved product list, this means that your results will be filtered out based on the place you’re completing the Mission at. For instance, your admin might set up the list to only show a certain amount of products in that list because you are at a specific store type. This is to save you time if there’s a long list but only some items are applicable to your current location.

Signature Task

Signature tasks allow a user to collect a name and digital signature on their mobile device. 

The reporting tile will show the printed name of the signer and the time and date of Mission completion.


Temperature Task

Capture temperature readings in Fahrenheit or Celsius manually, or with select Bluetooth thermometers.


Yes/No Task

Allow the user to choose either Yes or No. This task also supports conditional tasks. The reporting tile displays a pie chart with the percentage of Yes vs No.


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