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What Photos Can I See in PhotoWorks?

In general, when you log-in to PhotoWorks you’ll see the 10,000 most recent photos captured in your company in the last 12 months from any Mission that has not been archived.

However, PhotoWorks understands your role within GoSpotCheck and filters the photos you can accordingly:

Mobile User Photos from Mission Responses they have submitted
Reviewer Photos that match their Data Access Settings in GoSpotCheck
Custom Role Photos that match their Data Access Settings in GoSpotCheck
Admin  All Photos

NOTE: PhotoWorks Spaces can be set up to include photos from multiple related GoSpotCheck companies. If you have access to a PhotoWorks Space which contains photos from multiple GoSpotCheck companies, you will only see Photos that originated in companies where you have a company membership.

Data Access Settings and PhotoWorks

PhotoWorks also respects any Data Access Settings that have been configured in GoSpotCheck, and will display only photos and filters that meet the specific property/metadata criteria set up on a user's profile in GoSpotCheck.

To provide a better understanding of what photos a user with a role of Reviewer (or another Custom Role) will see when they log-in to PhotoWorks, here’s a quick example:

Rebecca is a regional manager for ACME corp. Her role is set to Reviewer in GoSpotCheck and her Data Access is set up so she can see all Users, all Missions, but only Places with a property of “Region: West”. When Rebecca logs into PhotoWorks, she’ll only see photos that were captured at Places in the West Region. Also, when she clicks on the “Places: Region” filter, she’ll only have one option to choose from -- West.

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