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Managing Team Members

The way you add and remove users to and from a Team depends on the type of team you are working with - a Standard or Smart Team.

Adding and Removing Team Members for Standard Teams

You can add or remove users from a Standard Team in three ways:

In this article, we will focusing on managing team members using the Standard Team editing interface. Please follow the links above for more on individual and bulk team management.

Add Team Members to a Standard Team

  1. From the Team Detail page, click the Actions dropdown menu.
  2. Click Add Team Members.
  3. On the add team members page, select the users you want to add to the Team by clicking the checkbox.
  4. In the upper right corner, click Save


Remove Team Members from a Standard Team

You can remove users that no longer need to be on a Team. Keep in mind that removing users from a Team will remove their access to any Missions distributed the Team. However, removing a user from a Team does not impact the users’s activation status.

  1. On the Team Detail page, select the users you want to remove.
  2. Click red Remove box that appears atop the table
  3. In the dialog box, click Remove to confirm the removal.


Adding and Removing Team Members for Smart Teams

Team Members in a Smart Team cannot be manually added or removed. Smart teams are automatically kept up-to-date as user properties are updated.

  • To add a user to a Smart Team, update the user's properties so that they match the criteria of the Smart Team. 
  • To remove a user from a Smart Team, update the user's properties so that they no longer match the criteria of the Smart Team. 





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