Adding Multiple New Places
The CSV Upload feature allows Company Admins to easily add multiple Places at the same time into your GoSpotCheck account.
Access CSV Uploads
There are two ways to access CSV Uploads for Places:
- Navigate to your user drop-down menu in the top right hand corner, and then select CSV Uploads.
- In the "Choose Upload Type" menu that appears, select Places. Click the blue "+ CSV Upload"button to continue.
- Navigate to the Places tab from the Navigation Bar
- In the top right hand corner, click on CSV Upload
CSV Upload Overview
The first time you use the CSV Upload feature, you receive a message that outlines the steps of the upload process. If you prefer to not see the message again, check the box then click Ok, let’s go.
Adding Multiple New Places
The CSV Upload tool allows you to add multiple Places at once. To add new Places, select Create New Places.
Preparing your Places File
To begin, you will create a CSV file. When updating existing users, the CSV file must contain the following required header:
Include the headers for all optional fields you'd like to update:
Plus, any additional custom property fields you've added to the system. |
*custom_id: while not a required field, including a unique custom_id from your master database is extremely helpful for data maintenance down the line
Uploading Your New Places CSV File
- When you are ready to upload your CSV file, click Choose.
- Select the file you want to upload, and then click Open > Next.
Select the file you want to want to upload. The system verifies the columns provided in your CSV file.
Prior to processing your file, you are able to review the data to be uploaded one last time. From this location, you can edit each column as needed, start the process over, or proceed to processing the CSV.
Uploading your File
Upon clicking Process CSV, you will be directed to a CSV Uploads status screen. In the status column, you'll see either In Progress or Completed.
- Click Places to verify the new places have been added.
Once the upload is complete, you will receive an email confirming the amount of successful records uploaded as well as if there were any errors.