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Reset Your Password

Resetting your GoSpotCheck password is simple to do from the Sign In page.

  1. From an Internet browser, navigate to
  2. From the top menu bar, select Sign in.
  3. Click Forgot your password?
  4. Enter your email address, and then click Send reset instructions.
    You will see a message on the screen that states "You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes."
  5. From the email you receive from GoSpotCheck Support, select the link to Change my password

  6. Enter and confirm your new password, then click Change my password.

You will receive a confirmation that your password was changed successfully.

Looking to reset your password from one of our mobile apps? Click HERE.

If you are logging in using SSO, you will not be able to reset your password through GoSpotCheck or via GoSpotCheck Support. Because your access info is managed by your company's Identity Provider, you will need to contact an internal company representative (often, your IT department) to complete the password reset process.

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