Exploring PhotoWorks
PhotoWorks includes two powerful ways to review your GoSpotCheck photos; you can view all of your photos in the Photo Library or you can view your images one at a time in the Photo Details View.
Photo Library
When you log-in to PhotoWorks, the photos in your library are displayed in the photo library in a grid format. By default, the library displays the most recent 10,000 photos you’ve captured in GoSpotCheck within the last 12 months, that you have access to view. Newest photos appear at the top, and as you scroll further down the page, you’ll see photos from further back in time.
Photos from the same Mission Response appear consecutively, based on their original task position in the Mission (photos from picture task #1 appear first, photos from picture task #2 appear next, and so on).
You can continue scrolling until you reach the very first photo you captured in GoSpotCheck, or the 10,000th photo, whichever comes first.
Photo Cards
Your photo library is made of rows of individual Photo Cards. The number of Photo Cards in each row varies depending on the size of your browser window and device type. Photo Cards consist of:
- Image: Zoomed in view of original photo
- Card Details: Beneath the photo, Photo Cards include text details to provide at a glance context into the image above. By default, the Card Details include the Place Name, Place Address and name of the user who submitted the photo. However, you can configure which details you’d prefer to display in your PhotoWorks Settings.
- Timestamp: The date and time at the bottom of each Photo Card represents the exact time when this photo’s Mission Response was submitted (displayed in the user’s timezone)
Photo Details
Click on any of the Photo Cards to be taken to the Photo Details view. This view enlarges the photo to its full (uncropped) resolution, and provides additional details into the context of the photo.
By default, the following data is included in the Photo Details tab:
- Date & Timestamp: Reflects the date & time when this photo’s Mission Response was submitted (displayed in the user’s timezone).
- NOTE: It’s important to note that this timestamp does not represent the date/time when this individual photo was captured. If a single Mission contains several photo tasks, each of those photos will have an identical timestamp within PhotoWorks.
- Mission Name: The name of the Mission that included this photo task
- Place Name: The name of the Place where the Mission was completed
- User Name: The name of the user who submitted the Mission Response.
Optionally, you can configure additional data you wish to display in this view within your PhotoWorks Settings. These additional details can include GoSpotCheck property data about the Mission, Task, Place, and/or User that pertain to the image. In the example above, we’ve chosen to display the Place Address, City, Country, Custom Place ID and State, as well as the User's Email Address.
Toggle Photo Details Panel
To hide or show the Photo Details Panel:
- Computer: Click the “ ➡| “ icon
- Tablet or Phone: Scroll down the page (Details are located beneath the photo)
Download an Individual Photo
You can download the original image file in JPEG format by clicking the grey Download button at the top of the Photo Details Panel.
Navigating Photo Details
You can continue to view your PhotoWorks in the Photo Detail view by clicking the left or right arrows on the screen, or by hitting LEFT/RIGHT on your computer keyboard, or swiping left/right on your mobile device.
Return to your photo library by clicking the “⬅ Back to Photos” link at the top left of the screen, or just click ESC on your keyboard.