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Anywhere Missions



New Mission Builder

Legacy Mission Builder


New Mission Builder


What is an Anywhere Mission?

Create an Anywhere Mission

What is an Anywhere Mission?

Anywhere Missions allow responses to be submitted without a specific geographic location, or place, being selected. Anywhere Missions work well for: 

  • Missions On-The-Go: tasks that need to be completed in a vehicle (mileage tracking, ride-along recaps), or on an airplane/cruise ship, etc.
  • Moving Targets: work that is completed at seasonal/non-permanent locations, such as farmers markets, fair-grounds, or pop-up events
  • Training: Using GoSpotCheck MarketX to train your team? Often, the tasks in these training Missions are not tied to a specific location. 
  • Check-in Missions: A daily or weekly check-in that can be submitted from anywhere

Create an Anywhere Mission

In the Mission builder, navigate to Settings, and click the checkbox labeled Allow Missions without a place. 


Legacy Mission Builder

There may be times when you need to deploy a Mission to your team, but it doesn't make sense to have that Mission associated with a specific geographic location. In those cases, consider creating an Anywhere Mission, which allows your team members to access the Mission without first having to choose a place.

Anywhere Missions work well for: 

  • Missions On The Go: If you deploy a Mission that needs to be completed in a vehicle (mileage tracking, ride-along recaps), or on an airplane/cruise ship, etc.
  • Moving Targets: If your team completes work at seasonal/non-permanent locations, such as farmers markets, fair-grounds, or pop-up events.
  • Training: Using GoSpotCheck to train your team? Often, the tasks in these Training missions don't need to be tied to a specific location, so Anywhere Missions can work well.
  • Check-in Missions: If you'd like to send out a daily or weekly check-in, Anywhere Missions allow your team to complete the Mission wherever they are.
TIP: If you'd like to deploy a Mission to a place that is not currently included in your place list, but you'd like to add it, we recommend using New Places instead of Anywhere Missions.

Access Anywhere Missions

Anywhere Missions can be accessed on the Mobile Application in the Tabbed Navigation bar by clicking Anywhere. Any Mission that has been configured as an Anywhere Mission and is currently available will be listed in the Anywhere Missions tab in alphabetical order. 

NOTE: When a user completes an Anywhere Mission, GoSpotCheck captures the user's geo-coordinates at the time they started the Mission.

Anywhere Mission are not accessible through MyGSC

Set Up An Anywhere Mission

To configure a Mission to be an Anywhere Mission, navigate to the Mission's Advanced Settings and toggle the Allow Missions without a Place setting.


Toggling this setting means that this Mission will now be available in the Anywhere Missions tab, as well as at all of the places in the Place Groups you've added to the Mission.

If you'd like the Mission to appear ONLY in the Anywhere Missions tab of the Mobile Application (and not at any physical locations), there's one extra step.  As you know, in order to deploy a GoSpotCheck Mission, you are required to select at least one Place Group. To sidestep that requirement, we recommend you:

  1. Create a new Place Group and name it "Anywhere Place" or "Empty Place Group"
  2. Save the Place Group without adding any places
  3. Add the empty Place Group to your Anywhere Mission
  4. When ready, click Deploy.

The Mission is deployed to the Anywhere Missions Tab of the Team's mobile devices, and to each of the places in the empty place group (i.e. zero places).

Anywhere Missions in Reporting

In Reporting, Mission Responses from Anywhere Missions look like Mission Responses from any other Mission, with one exception; they are not tied back to any Place data in GoSpotCheck. Instead, they are given a generic name and Custom Place ID ("NEW PLACE") across all reporting tables. While GoSpotCheck does capture the geographic coordinates where the user started the Mission, the Distance field is unable to calculated (and therefore marked "N/A") for Anywhere Mission Responses.Screen_Shot_2020-04-20_at_4.24.31_PM.png

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