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What are workflows?

How to set up a workflow

Workflow conditions

Create a Workflow Condition

Workflow actions

Workflow Labels

Create a Follow-Up Job

Job Pre-population

Workflow errors

What are workflows?

Workflows allow you to automate your corrective action business processes by automatically pre-populating Mission Jobs with data from a separate Mission Response.

 Workflows are helpful when:

  • Based on a task response, you need another person, or team, to take a follow-up action
  • A store fails a compliance audit, and you want to track any failures to make sure they are resolved

The Workflows feature requires the Advanced Logic feature. Please speak to your account management team with any questions.

How to set up a workflow

Workflows (also known as “Workflow Logic”) can be created on any deployed Mission. Workflows are comprised of a Condition and an Action. 


Workflow Documentation.png

  • Workflow Condition
    • The Workflow Condition defines what criteria should trigger the workflow to start. See “Workflow Condition” for more details on how to write one and what’s currently supported
  • Workflow Action
    • The Workflow Action is what action the system will take if the Workflow Condition is triggered. See “Workflow actions” for more details on how to configure one and what’s currently supported
    • You can only have one action per Workflow Condition
      • If you want more than one action to happen when a Workflow Condition is triggered, first copy the Condition and then change the action associated to the Condition

To get started with Workflows, open any Mission. You can either select the “Workflow” tab, or you can enter the Mission Builder and select the “Workflow” tab.

Workflow conditions

Workflow Conditions determine the criteria that initiate a workflow. They are triggered by a Mission Response, similar to email alerts. This functionality means that Workflow Actions occur only after a Mission Response that matches the Condition is submitted to the GoSpotCheck server.

  • Independent Triggers: Conditions are not ordered. Each condition functions independently and will trigger when its specific criteria are met.
  • Ordered Processes: If you need an ordered workflow, we recommend using “jobs only” for any associated Follow-up missions. This setting ensures that the missions only appear to users when a Job is created.
  • Parent Task Limitation: Currently, conditions can only be created based on Parent tasks.

Create a Workflow Condition

You can create a Workflow by selecting the “Workflow” tab from the Mission Overview page. You can base a Condition on either Tasks or Variables, with up to 10 rows of conditions. All criteria are additive. For OR logic, create a new, separate Workflow Condition with the desired criteria.

Task-based Conditions:

  1. Select “Task” from the first dropdown field
  2. Select the Task you want to trigger a Workflow Condition on
    1. This task list is populated from the Mission you are on
    2. Note: Only parent tasks can be pre-populated. 
  3. Select the operator (dependent on Task Type)
  4. Enter or select the value you want to trigger the Workflow Action

Variable-based Conditions:

Learn more about variables here.

  1. Select “Variable” from the first dropdown field
  2. Select the Variable you want to trigger a Workflow Condition on
    1. This task list is populated from the Mission you are on
    2. Note: Only parent tasks can be pre-populated. 
  3. Select the operator (dependent on Task Type)
  4. Enter or select the value you want to trigger the Workflow Action

While you cannot create a new Workflow from the "Workflows” tab, you can quickly edit a Condition on both the Mission level and from the Workflow tab. See “Edit a Workflow Condition” for more details.

Edit a Workflow Condition

You can edit a Workflow Condition by selecting the “Workflow” tab from the Mission Overview page, or by navigating to the “Workflow Logic” tab after selecting a Workflow Label row from the “Workflows” tab.

  1. Open the Condition you want to edit by clicking on the pencil icon.
  2. Once you make your changes, click Save and the workflow will be updated.

Note: You can save an invalid workflow. Sometimes saving an invalid workflow is helpful when you are building out complex workflow.  If the workflow condition is invalid, no instance will be created from an incoming Mission Response.

Copy a Workflow Condition

Sometimes you may want to create a Condition that is similar to another Condition, but with a different value or trigger. You can save time by copying a Workflow Condition to build from.

You can copy a Workflow Condition by selecting the “Workflow” tab from the Mission Overview page, or by navigating to the “Workflow Logic” tab after selecting a Workflow Label row from the “Workflows” tab. 

Click on the copy icon in the same row as the condition you want to copy.

Workflow Documentation_ Copy.png

When you copy a Condition, it is automatically deactivated.

You can then open the Condition and make any changes you want. Click the toggle button on the Workflow tab view to activate the Workflow once you are done making changes.

Workflow Documentation _ Toggle.png

Currently, you can copy a Workflow Condition within a Mission. You cannot copy a Workflow Condition from one Mission to another.

Deactivate / Activate 

You can turn Workflow Conditions on or off. If a Workflow condition is off, it will not be triggered, even if a submitted Mission Response would trigger it.

To activate or deactivate a Workflow Condition click on the toggle on the Workflow tab view. You can also select the toggle button on the Workflow Condition builder view.

Deleting a Condition

Workflow Conditions can be deleted. The ability to delete a Condition is helpful to reduce visual clutter on the Workflow Condition table view. 

If you delete a Condition, it is gone permanently. There is no way to recover it. Any deleted Conditions will need to be recreated. 

Conditions and Versioning

You can edit a Workflow Condition without versioning the Mission. 

Note: If you have a draft Mission, you will not be able to edit a Workflow Condition directly from the Mission Overview page. You will have to go into the Builder first, and then select the Workflow tab. This action associates any changes made to the Workflow Conditions to the draft version of the Mission. If you want to update the Conditions on the current version of the Mission discard the draft Mission.

Incoming Mission Responses will be evaluated against any Conditions associated with the latest published version of the Mission. Jobs will still be created if the Conditions are met, even if there is a draft Mission.

Workflow actions

The Workflow Action is what action the system will take if the Workflow Condition is triggered by an incoming Mission Response. As of the initial launch of the Workflows feature, the only Workflow Action available is “Create a Follow-Up Job” (see below for more details).

Workflow Labels

Workflow labels help you keep track of all the conditions for any given process. Labels are also handy when viewing a list of Workflow Conditions to know which conditions you may want to update. All Conditions with the same label are grouped together when in the Workflow tab so you can easily view all the Conditions and ensure there isn’t a hole in the process.

Workflow labels are required when creating a Condition.

Create a Follow-Up Job

The Create a Follow-Up Job action allows you to automatically create a Follow-Up Job. The created Job can contain automatic pre-population, giving your mobile users the necessary information to reach resolution quickly. 

For example, if a response submission indicates that compliance at a location is below a certain level, you can create a Workflow Condition that automatically triggers a follow-up Job to resolve the issue. The Job could include pictures or notes from the Mission Response that triggered the Workflow Condition.

Job name

This is what your mobile user will see when they view their Jobs list on the mobile app and in MyGSC. A title is required. There is a 250-character limit.

You can use piping on the Mission level Workflow Condition Builder. Support for piping is not available on the Company level Workflow Condition builder at this time. You can pipe the following itmes:

  • Places
    • Place Name, City, Postal Code, Property Values
  • Tasks
    • Task response values
      • Picture, signature, and searchable list tasks not supported
  • Variables

Follow-Up Mission

The Follow-up Mission is the Mission the Follow-up Job will be created on when the Workflow Condition is triggered. You can type in the Mission name you are looking for. Choosing a Follow-up Mission is required.

Only Missions that have overlapping Place Groups with the triggering Mission will be available for selection. This functionality is intended to prevent a Job being created for a Place that will not be visible to end users.

Assignment Type

Assignment: There are two assignment types. Choosing an assignment type is required.

Note: Only users who are on the team or team(s) associated to both the Triggering and Follow-up Missions can be assigned to a Job.

Note: If the Follow-Up Mission is a UAP-enabled mission the only assignment option is a Team Assignment. This functionality is to ensure the Job will be visible to the proper individual and not accidentally assigned to someone who can’t view it.


  • Select the user to assign the Job to. The Job will only be displayed in this specific user’s Jobs list on the mobile app or in MyGSC. It will not display on any other mobile users’ devices or MyGSC if you select this assignment type.
  • Any Follow-Up Job created via Workflow Conditions will be assigned to the selected individual every time the Workflow Condition is triggered.


  • This assignment allows you to quickly make the Job available to all users on the team or teams associated with the Mission.
  • The Job will show as unassigned to all users on the team or teams associated with the Mission. Any of those users will be able to claim the Job, assigning it to themself to complete. Once a Job is claimed by a user, the other users that can view the Job will not be able to start or claim the Job for themself.

Do you need the Job to go to a specific person based on the location? We recommend setting the Assignment Type to “Team” and leveraging Smart UAPs.



A Job can have a Start date and a Due Date. Those dates are dynamic when the Follow-Up Job is created via Workflow Conditions, allowing for more flexibility with your processes.

Setting Start or Due Dates for Jobs are optional.

Start date:

When Jobs are created, they are immediately visible to the mobile app and MyGSC. Adding a Start date can delay when the Job will be visible in the mobile app.

  • Immediately: The Follow-Up Job will be visible to users in the mobile app and MyGSC as soon as it is created.
  • With delay: You can delay when the Follow-Up Job becomes visible to users in the mobile app and MyGSC. Delaying when the Follow-Up Job starts is beneficial when you know that resolution cannot happen immediately or is dependent on a part arriving.
    • Enter the number of Days, Weeks, or Months you want to delay. You can delay up to a year.
    • The Follow-Up Job will not show as available in the mobile app and MyGSC until midnight of the selected Start Date. Midnight will be determined based on the device’s local time zone.

Due date:

If a Job has a Due Date, the date will display on the Job’s card in the mobile app and MyGSC. It will also be displayed on the Job Management table view that you can view in the Web Admin. Once the Due Date has passed, the date will display in red to indicate that it is overdue.

You can set dynamically set a due date for Jobs created when a Workflow Condition is triggered. You can set the due date up to 365 days, 52 weeks, or 12 months after the Job was created.

Job Pre-population

All tasks except for the following are supported for pre-population:

  • Signature
  • IR-enabled photo tasks
  • Display text and table 

Where to view workflow instances 

Workflow instances occur when a workflow condition is met and the associated Workflow Action is triggered.

You can view any workflow instances from the "Workflows" Tab

  • Select the workflow label you want to view instances for
  • Select the Place you want to view 
    • Only Places where a workflow instance was triggered will show 

You will now see all Workflow Actions associated to that Place for a given workflow instance.

You are able to close out a workflow instance. If you do, any open Follow-Up Job(s) will be Closed Out.


Workflow errors 

There will be times when a workflow instance has an error. The most common examples are: 

  • The user assigned to the Follow-Up Job is no longer associated to any of the teams associated to the underlying Mission
  • The user assigned to the Follow-Up Job is no longer assigned to the Place associated to the Follow-Up Job 
  • The place associated to the Follow-Up Job is no longer associated to any of the Place Groups associated to the underlying Mission 


As long as the Workflow Condition can be met, a Workflow Instance will be created. If, on creation, there is an error with associated Workflow Action (such as one of the items listed above), the instance will be flagged with an error.  

You can see any Workflow Instances with errors in the following places: 

  • The Workflow tab, after selecting the Workflow Label
  • The Job Manager tab
  • The Job Manager view for a Mission 


If there is an error related to the user assigned to the Follow-up Job, you will see the following error message.

The following Job(s) are invalid because of the assigned user: [list of Job IDs]

Here are some ways you can resolve this issue:

1. Add the assigned user to a team on the Mission associated to the Job

2. If the Mission associated to the Job is UAP-enabled, ensure the user has access to the place After making any changes wait 60 minutes to see if the changes fixed the issue. If the changes corrected the issue then there will no longer be an error on this page.


If there is an error related to the Place associated to the Follow-up Job, you will see the following error message. 

Workflow Documentation _ Place Error.png

How to resolve a Workflow Instance error 

It is easy to resolve an error on a Workflow instance. 

If the error is due to a user issue, it could be one of the following: 

  • Problem: The user is no longer assigned to a team on the Mission associated to the Job
    • Solution: Add the assigned user to a team on the Mission associated to the Job 
  • Problem: The Mission associated to the Job is UAP-enabled 
    • Solution: Ensure the user has access to the Place 


If the error is due to a place issue, it could be one of the following: 

  • Problem: The Place is no longer associated to a Place Group on the Mission associated to the Job 
    • Solution: Add the Place back to a Place Group on the Mission associated to the Job 
    • Solution: Add the place to a Place Group on the Mission associated to the Job 


After making any changes wait 60 minutes to see if the changes fixed the issue. If the changes corrected the issue, there will no longer be an error on this page. 

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