Understanding Your Place List
For workforces on the go, your daily itinerary is often centered around the places you plan to visit. That's why the GoSpotCheck Mobile Application presents a custom-view of your places to help provide you a better understanding of the work you have to do.
Accessing Your Place List
When you first open the GoSpotCheck app, you will be directed to your Place List. You can access your place list by clicking Places in the tabbed navigation bar at the bottom of your screen.
Which Places Are Displayed To Me?
GoSpotCheck uses custom logic to ensure that the places you see in your place list are relevant to you. In order for a place to appear in your Place List, it must:
- be located within a 25 mile radius of your current geographic location
- have at least one Mission available for you to complete
Your Place List displays up to 200 total locations that meet this criteria, in order of proximity. The numbers on the right-hand side of the location indicate your exact distance from that location, with the nearest being at the top of the list.

User Assigned Places
If you have a specific route/territory, your company may be using what GoSpotCheck calls User Assigned Places. If that is the case, your Place List will display up to 200 accounts that:
- are assigned to you as a User Assigned Places
- have at least one Mission available for you to complete
Refresh Your Place List
Your Place List will automatically refresh once per hour while you're using the application. You can manually refresh your Place List at any time by pulling down on the on the screen until you see a spinning wheel.
Manually refreshing your Places will reorder the Place List based on the criteria listed above.