Your Homepage
When you click the GoSpotCheck icon to the left of your company name in the Navigation Bar, you are presented with overview information for your company.
On the Overview tab of the Homepage, you are shown a snapshot of the number of users currently active on the account, and the number of task responses that have been collected.
You also have the option to view the number of places that have been visited throughout the company’s various locations.
This information is accompanied by a street map of the area, which can be viewed as either a graphical map, or a satellite map.
As you move down the Homepage, you see an overview of data on Mission Responses across all Missions over time, and the 10 most recent Incoming Mission Responses.
For a more detailed view into Mission Responses, select the Mission Responses tab that is located next to the Overview tab.
The Mission Responses tab shows you a table of Mission Responses across all Missions. You may sort Mission Responses by response ID, User, Place ID, Place name, Distance and Completed At time. You may also edit Mission Responses using the "Edit" button.