Adding a Place
To add a new location to GoSpotCheck, simply click the + New Place button in the top right corner of the Places page.
Place Info
Here, enter values for all fields marked with a red asterisk*: Name, Country, Address, City, State, and Postal Code.
The Custom ID field is a place for you to enter a store number, parent company, or other alpha-numeric value that you use to identify your places (accounts). While Custom ID's do not have to be unique values, we STRONGLY recommend using a unique identifier from your system of record. This makes adding, updating and reconciling places between GoSpotCheck and your system much easier (the Custom ID acts as a KEY between the two). If you don't have a unique Custom ID, consider incorporating the place's GSC ID into your system of record.
Note: The Custom ID field has a limit of 255 characters.
Preventing Geocoding
The Prevent Geocoding feature allows anyone with Place editing permissions to lock the coordinates on Places as they currently exist. Preventing Geocoding ensures that future changes to the address fields will not change where the Place shows up on the map in GoSpotCheck. For more information on Prevent Geocoding, check out this article.
Add a Contact
If you have a contact or multiple contacts for a Place, you can add them by selecting Add Contact and entering each contact's information. These will appear for your users in the mobile app and will be shared amongst anyone who visits this Place to complete a mission. There is no limit to the number of contacts you can add to a Place.
Place Groups
Place Groups organize Places into various groups based on criteria of your choosing, like region, on or off premise, or store chain. (For more on Place Groups, click HERE). When adding a new Place, you have the option of adding them to any Place Group already created for your company. Keep in mind, all Places are included in the "All" Group by default, but places can be a part of an unlimited number of additional Place Groups, too.
When finished, click Save.