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PhotoWorks Albums

Albums are a great way to save and share curated sets of photos from your PhotoWorks library. 

This article covers how to:

Who Can Use this Feature:
  • GoSpotCheck customers with an active PhotoWorks Subscription
  • All users from companies who are on a Free Trial of PhotoWorks


PhotoWorks supports two types of albums; Standard and Smart Albums.

  • Standard Albums can include any collection of photos from your PhotoWorks library. Photos must be added manually to a Standard Album, which makes this type of album a great way to curate and share specific photos from your library.
  • Smart Albums automatically include any photos from your Photo Library that match a specific set of filter criteria. These albums update in real-time to include the latest matching photos from your library, which make them a really powerful way to share segments of your photo library with others on a recurring basis. 



Screen_Shot_2021-02-19_at_2.59.08_PM.png On the Albums tab, Smart Albums are labeled with a blue tag on the bottom left of the Album Preview square.


Create a New Album

Create a Standard Album

There are two ways to create a new Standard Album in PhotoWorks:

From the Albums Tab

  1. Click Create Album
  2. Give your album a name by clicking on the placeholder “Untitled Album” text.
  3. Confirm the album name by hitting enter on your keyboard or clicking outside of the name field.
  4. Add photos to your album by clicking Add Photos button

From your Photo Library

  1. Select the photos you’d like to include in your Album
  2. Click Add to Album
  3. Click Create New Album
  4. Give your album a name and click Save


NOTE: You can create an unlimited number of Albums. Albums you create are visible only to you, unless you Export or Share them. 

Create a Smart Album

From your Photo Library

  1. Choose at least one filter
  2. Click the Saved Views ✩ dropdown
  3. Click ⚙ Save as Smart Album
  4. Enter a name for your Smart Album
  5. Click Save Album


Manage Photos within Albums

PhotoWorks Albums can include up to 1000 photos, and each album is automatically sorted in descending order, with the newest photos at the top. 

NOTE: Photos within Smart Albums are automatically added when the match the albums filter criteria. You cannot manually add photos to or remove photos from Smart Albums.

Add Photos to a New Standard Album

From the Albums Tab

  1. Click into any empty Album
  2. Click the Add Photos button
  3. Select the photos you’d like to include in your album
  4. After you’ve made your selections, click Add to Album


From the Photo Library

  1. Select the photos you’d like to add to your Album
  2. Click Add to Album
  3. Click Create New Album
  4. Give your album a name and click Save


Add Photos to an Existing Standard Album

From the Photo Library

  1. Select the photos you’d like to add to your Album
  2. Click Add to Album
  3. Find the album you’d like to add the photos to (you can scroll down or use the search bar to find the album quickly)
  4. Select the album and then click Save


Remove Photos from a Standard Album

  1. Click the [...] Actions Menu
  2. Select Edit Album
  3. Click the 🅧 on any photo you'd like to remove from the album
  4. When you're finished, click Done


NOTE: By default, PhotoWorks includes GoSpotCheck photos captured within the last 12 months. If you have Albums which include photos that were captured over 12 months ago, those photos will not be visible within Albums, unless you've purchased the All-Time Photo History upgrade. 

Manage Your Albums

Access Albums

The Albums tab includes all of the Albums you’ve created in PhotoWorks. To access Albums, click the Albums link in the PhotoWorks navigation bar/menu.  

Finding Albums

By default, Albums are sorted in descending order, which means that your most recently created album appears first in the lineup. Each album includes a preview of the first four images from the album. 

Rename an Album

  1. From the Albums tab, click on the Album you wish to rename.
  2. Click the name of the album to edit it
  3. Confirm your new name by hitting enter on your keyboard or clicking outside of the album name.

Delete an Album

  1. From the Albums tab, click on the Album you wish to delete.
  2. Click the [...] Actions Menu
  3. Click Delete album
  4. In the pop-up window, confirm by clicking Delete It

Share Your Albums

PhotoWorks makes it easy to share the photos in your Albums with outside stakeholders. Choose between Exporting your Album or creating a Share Link for online album viewing.  

Export Photos within an Album

You can export all of the photos in your album into various file formats to be stored or shared locally.

  1. From the Albums tab, click on the Album you wish to Export.
  2. Click the [...] Actions Menu
  3. Select Export album
  4. Configure your export and then click Export
TIP: If you choose to export to Powerpoint or PDF, the name of your Album is automatically added to the title page of your export. 

Share a public link to an Album

Share an Album with anyone with an internet connection, including individuals who do not have a GoSpotCheck log-in, using a PhotoWorks Share Link. Share Links are public links to a specific PhotoWorks Album, allowing anyone with an internet connection to view (and coming soon, export) the photos within the Album. 


  1. From the Albums tab, click on the Album you wish to Export.
  2. Click the Share Button in the top right corner of the page.
  3. On the modal that appears, toggle the Share Link slider.
  4. To Copy the link for sharing, click the Copy Link Button.
  5. Click Done.


TIP: If an Album has an active Share Link, the following reminder appears beneath the Album's title: Share_Link_Status_Indicator.png

Discontinue Album Sharing

If you desire to stop sharing the contents of an Album, you can do so by following these instructions:

  1. Click the Share Button in the top right corner of any shared Album.
  2. On the modal that appears, toggle the Share Link slider to the left.
  3. Click Done.

When attempting to access a Share Link that is no longer being shared, users will see the following screen:


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