What is a PhotoWorks Space Admin?
A PhotoWorks Space Admin is someone on your team who has been granted enhanced permissions within PhotoWorks allowing them to configure and modify the PhotoWorks Settings that will be used by all users of PhotoWorks.
This unique role was created to increase consistency for users of PhotoWorks by limiting the number of individuals who have the permission to manipulate PhotoWorks layouts and data configurations.
PhotoWorks Space Admins Can:
- View PhotoWorks Settings in Menu
- View/Modify the fields Your Company uses as Filters
- View/Modify the fields your company includes within the Photo Detail View
- View/Modify the fields included on Photo Cards
- View/Modify the order of the fields included in Photo Cards
Anyone from your organization can serve as a Space Admin, no matter their role in GoSpotCheck. However, it's important to keep in mind that PhotoWorks respects GoSpotCheck data permissions in the photos and filters displayed. Therefore, we recommend that Space Admin permissions be granted to users with Company Admin Permissions.
More Info
Contact your CSM if you'd like more information on PhotoWorks Space Admins