Product Reconciliation
1. Navigate to any draft state Planogram
2. The reconciliation dialog can be launched by clicking the icon in 'Total Products' or 'Unmatched Products' or by clicking the icon on any unmatched product row in the table.
3. You can also click 'Edit Planogram' to launch the dialog for both Reconciliation and Edits
4. Select any product from the planogram on the left to begin searching the Product List for available products to map to. Search parameters will be auto-populated but can be adjusted.
5. Clicking any search result will expand the result with additional information. You can remap to a new product by selecting 'Use this product'
6. Alternatively, you can choose to exclude a product from the Planogram.
7. Click 'Cancel' o exit without saving changes or 'Apply' to save the changes and see them reflected on the Planogram Manager page.