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Pic&Plan allows for any tagged single cooler door or shelf image in Photoworks to be converted to a Planogram record in the Planogram Library in the Web Application. In eight simple steps, you can generate a planogram on the fly to distribute to your team to validate in the field using our Planogram Compliance offering. 

Follow these steps to generate a Planogram from a tagged Image:

  1. Navigate to your Photoworks space.

  2. Choose a tagged single cooler door or shelf image that you would like to use as the basis for your Planogram.
  3. Click Product Tags on the image. Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 4.14.27 PM.png
  4. Click Convert Image To Space Planning FileScreenshot 2024-08-05 at 4.15.24 PM.png

  5. The conversion dialog will appear with several prompts to complete before you can select Convert Image.Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 3.52.59 PM.png

  6. After converting the image and receiving a confirmation message on screen, navigate to the GoSpotCheck Web Application and click on the Planograms tab. Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 4.18.13 PM.png
  7. Locate and select the plan you generated from the library. When you first open the generated Planogram, you'll need to select an IR Configuration to apply.Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 4.20.26 PM.png

  8. After applying your IR Configuration selection, the Planogram preview will be generated and you can manage your Planogram as desired. 

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