Pic&Plan allows for any tagged single cooler door or shelf image in Photoworks to be converted to a Planogram record in the Planogram Library in the Web Application. In eight simple steps, you can generate a planogram on the fly to distribute to your team to validate in the field using our Planogram Compliance offering.
Follow these steps to generate a Planogram from a tagged Image:
Navigate to your Photoworks space.
- Choose a tagged single cooler door or shelf image that you would like to use as the basis for your Planogram.
- Click Product Tags on the image.
Click Convert Image To Space Planning File
The conversion dialog will appear with several prompts to complete before you can select Convert Image.
- After converting the image and receiving a confirmation message on screen, navigate to the GoSpotCheck Web Application and click on the Planograms tab.
Locate and select the plan you generated from the library. When you first open the generated Planogram, you'll need to select an IR Configuration to apply.
After applying your IR Configuration selection, the Planogram preview will be generated and you can manage your Planogram as desired.