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Missions Tab

This section describes the Missions tab. You will learn how to access Missions and how to understand the statuses of specific Missions. You will only see Missions which have been assigned to the Place you are trying to access. Keep in mind that your company may call Missions by different names: Activation, Survey, Report, etc. 

View Missions

  1. In the mobile app, navigate to the Choose a Place screen.
  2. Select a Place that you want to view the Missions for.MissionsTab.png
  3. Tap the Mission tab to view the Missions assigned to this location. Missions will be grouped in the list by status (e.g., In Progress, Available, Upcoming, etc.). MissionsTab_1.png
  4. Tap an available Mission.
  5. To begin the Mission, click Start Mission
TIP: Available Missions display alphabetically.  


Status Icons

Missions are grouped in the Missions tab by status (e.g., In Progress, Available, Upcoming, etc.). Additionally, status icons help users determine which Missions have been completed and those that still require a Mission Response. These icons appear to the right of the Mission. See Also: Mission Response Status Icons

An Orange icon indicates that the Mission is In Progress at this Place. 

MissionsTab_2.pngDon't see the Mission you're looking for?

If you can see the Place, but not the Mission, there is a good chance that the Mission is not attached to that Place. At that point, we recommend that you reach out to either your manager or our Customer Support team. 

IMPORTANT: A strong internet/cellular connection is required to refresh new Missions/Places.
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