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Mission Reporting



Mission Reporting


New Mission Reporting


What is mission reporting?

How to access mission reporting


Task Summary

Multiple choice/multiple select tasks

Yes/no tasks

Searchable list tasks

Count & price tasks

Scale tasks

Temperature tasks

Date tasks

Short answer tasks

Photo tasks

Signature tasks

Advanced logic

Filtering data

What is mission reporting?

Every Mission that is published or stopped contains an overview page that includes a reporting dashboard. These reports aggregate mission response counts by user, place, and task. 


How to access mission reporting

To access mission reporting:

  1. Navigate to Missions in the dashboard’s top-line navigation bar.
  2. Click on any started or stopped Mission name, then select New Overview from the mission info navigation bar.


The reports available on the overview tab are divided into two sections: Statistics and Task Summary. The statistics reports are broken into three tabs: Mission Responses, Participants, and Places. 

  1. The mission responses tab displays an area chart that tracks the total count of responses submitted on each day within the filtered time frame. To view a list of all responses submitted during the filtered timeframe, click See All Mission Responses. A searchable table containing a list of individual mission responses will populate below the area chart.
  2. The participants tab displays a bar chart with a list of users that have submitted mission responses within the filtered date range. The chart shows the total count of responses per user and automatically sorts from highest to lowest. If a mission is user-assigned-place (UAP) enabled, a user must be assigned at least one place in the mission’s place group to be considered a participant. 
  3. The places tab displays a bar chart with a list of places where mission responses have been submitted within the filtered date range. The chart shows the total count of responses per place and automatically sorts from highest to lowest. If a mission is user-assigned-place (UAP) enabled, a place must be assigned to at least one user on the mission’s team to be included in this report’s total place count. 

Task Summary

The reports available on the overview tab are divided into two sections: Statistics and Task Summary. The task summary section includes a report for each task in the Mission. The visualization type varies by task type. 

All task titles are hyperlinked and drill into additional reporting with data tables of response data. 

Multiple choice/multiple select tasks

Multiple choice and multiple select tasks are reported in a bar chart. This chart displays each answer option as an individual bar. Each bar calculates the percentage of total responses where that answer option was selected over the filtered timeframe. 

Yes/no tasks

Yes/no task responses are reported in a pie chart. This chart showcases the percentage of responses that were ‘Yes’ vs the percentage of responses that were ‘No’. 

Searchable list tasks

Searchable list tasks are reported via a data table. This table displays a row for each catalog item that was selected and aggregates the total count of times items were selected. 

Count & price tasks

Count and price task responses are aggregated into four key metrics represented in a single tile:

  • Sum: the sum of all task responses submitted to the task
  • Average: the average of all task responses submitted to the task
  • Low: the lowest numeric task responses submitted to the task
  • High: the highest numeric task response submitted to the task

For count tasks, the tile formats the number as an integer with the same number of decimal places as is configured on the task. 

For price tasks, the tile formats the number as a price. 

Scale tasks

Scale task responses are reported in a column chart. This chart shows the reported task responses on the x-axis and displays the total count of responses for each answer on the y-axis. 

Temperature tasks

Temperature task responses are aggregated into three key metrics represented in a single tile:

  • Average: the average of all temperatures submitted
  • Lowest: the lowest temperature recorded 
  • Highest: the highest temperature recorded

Date tasks

Date tasks are reported in a table that displays each distinct date reported. Each row calculates the percentage of total responses where that answer option was selected over the filtered timeframe. 

Short answer tasks

Short answer tasks are compiled into a table that displays the response value along with the user name and date. 

Photo tasks

Photo submissions are aggregated into a tile to preview images. 

Signature tasks

At this time, there is no reporting available for signature tasks on the overview page. 

Advanced logic

An icon will appear on the task’s report tile if the task is tied to advanced logic.

  • Dynamic tasks (show/hide logic) have eye icons to indicate that the availability of the task is tied to an advanced logic rule

  • Set value tasks have an arrow icon that indicates the reported response value can be set by advanced logic rules

Read more about advanced logic here

Filtering data

The data reported on the mission overview page can be filtered by date, user, team, place, place group, task, or advanced information. 

To filter mission response data by date:

  1.  Navigate to the date range dropdown and select from the last 7 days, last 30 days, last month, this month, all time, or define a custom date range. 

To filter by user, team, place, place group, task, or advanced information:

  1. Click + New Filter button.
  2. In the new filter popup, name the filter, select the criteria, and click Save.
  3. Once saved, the filter will be available for selection in the filter dropdown.

Read more on filtering mission response data here


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