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Edit a Place Group

You can remove individual places from your Place Group (due to location closing, contract expiration, duplication Place discovery, etc.), view assigned missions, export, or disable your place group from the edit place group screen. Additionally, you can add places to your Place Group.

Editing a Place Group

  1. Navigate to Places on the main navigation bar and select Place Groups. A list of your Place Groups appears.
  2. Locate and click on the Place Group you want to edit from the table. See instructions for both Standard and Smart Place Groups below. 



Editing a Standard Place Group

From the edit screen, you can remove places from your Place Group, view assigned missions, export, or disable your place group.

  • Rename your Standard Place Group by clicking the pencil icon.
  • Add a place to your Standard Place Group from the Actions drop-down by selecting Add places.
  • View assigned missions from the Actions drop-down by selecting View assigned missions. 
  • Export your Place Group to a CSV file by clicking Export from the Actions drop-down. You can access your file by clicking the link in the confirmation bar at the top of your screen. 
  • Disable your Place Group by clicking Disable place group from the Actions drop-down. 
  • Remove a place from the Place Group, check the box next to the Place and click Remove. You will receive a dialog box requesting confirmation of your deletion. To accept, click Remove



Add Places to Your Standard Place Group

NOTE: You cannot add Places to the All Place Group. The All Place Group contains all Places associated with your organization. 

  1. Navigate to Places > Place Groups.
  2. Click on the Place Group you want to add Places to.
  3. From the Actions drop-down, click Add places.
  4. Search for and select Places you want to add.
  5. Click Save to add the selected Places to your Place Group.


Editing a Smart Place Group

From the edit screen, you can rename your smart Place Group, add, remove, or modify the property filters that control which Places belong in the smart Place Group.

  1. From the Place Group page, click the Smart Place Group you want to edit.
  2. From the individual Place Group screen, click the Actions drop-down and select Edit place group.
  3. From this Edit page, you can rename the Place Group by clicking the pencil icon.


  4. Additionally, you can add, remove, or modify the property filters that control which Places belong in the Smart Place Group.
  5. After making an edit to the filters, click the Preview Place Group button to confirm your changes.
  6. Click Save when finished.
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