Why are users not seeing the mission on their devices?
If your People are telling you that they do not see the Mission that you launched, there are a number of things you can check to make sure that the Mission is set up properly. We will show you how to check the Teams and Place Groups assigned to the Mission, how to add a Person to a Team, or Place to a Place Group if they weren't included, and how to view Advanced Mission settings to identify any potential issues.
1) Make sure the Mission is in "Started" mode
If a Mission has not been Started, it will not show up on your user's devices. The first step should always be to make sure that the Mission has been Started. To do so, simply navigate to the main Missions page and see if your Mission is on the Started Missions list; Started Missions also show the word "Started" in the Status column, as seen below. If your mission is not under Started Missions, check Drafts to see if it is still in Draft mode.
2) Make sure you have the correct People in the Teams assigned to the Mission
Always check if the user that is having the issue seeing the Mission is added to the Team that has been assigned the Mission. To view this, click on the Mission and then click on the "Info" tab for that Mission. This will show you the Teams and Place Groups that have been assigned to your Mission. You can click on the Team name to view the list of members that are on that Team. If it is not the "All" Team, you can edit the list of users and the Mission should then show up on their devices. Note: Even if a Mission is already Started, you can still add People to the Team assigned to the Mission and the newly added People will see the Mission on their devices.
3) Make sure you have the right Places in the Place Groups assigned to the Mission
Similar to checking on the People in Teams assigned to the Mission, you can use the Info tab within a Mission to see which Place Groups were assigned to the Mission. If you want to edit or add Places to the Place Group, click on the Place Group name from the Info tab and you will be taken to the Place Group page. From here, you can add or remove Places to that Place Group. You can add Places to Place Groups after a Mission has been started and it will show up on a user's device (as long as the Mission includes that Place Group). Please note that, at this time, we do not allow you to add or remove the Place Groups or Teams that have been assigned to the Mission. Currently, you can only add or remove People or Places from Teams or Place Groups assigned to a Mission.
4) Make sure the Person is within 25 miles of a Place that has been assigned the Mission
If a Person has been assigned to a Mission, they must be within 25 miles of a Place which has been assigned to that Mission in order to see it. If a Person is more than 25 miles from any of the Places assigned the Mission, they will not see any Missions available in app.
5) If User Assigned Places is enabled, check on the Places assigned to a Person (ADVANCED FEATURE)
If you have Enabled User Assigned Places, you will need to make sure that the People in the Teams assigned the Mission have User Assigned Places enabled. First, you can check to see if you have enabled User Assigned Places on the Info tab within a Mission (same place used to check Teams and Place Groups). If it confirms that you have enabled User Assigned Places, you will want to check the People assigned the Mission to make sure that have been given Assigned Places. To do this, click on a Person's name. You will see a list of Places that they have been assigned. If there is nothing on this list and User Assigned Places is enabled for the Mission, the Person will not see anything. Also, if none of their Assigned Places are near their current location, they will not see anything.
To edit User Assigned Places, simply click the "Edit" button on the top of the Person's page, above their name. From here, you can assign Places to that Person.