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Yes/No Task



What is a Yes/No task?

Create a Yes/No task

Configure a Yes/No task

Add conditional tasks


What is a yes/no task? 

A yes/no task provides the respondent with two simple answer options: Yes or No. This task type is ideal for situations where an initial determination needs to be made. Yes/no tasks tend to have conditional logic built to gather further information after the initial Yes or No datapoint has been gathered. 

 Yes/No task in the Mission Builder

Yes/No task on a mobile device

Create a yes/no task

There are three ways to create a yes/no task in the Mission Builder

  1. Select Add Component on an empty Mission builder canvas. This button is only available when adding the first task to a new Mission or section. 
  2. Drag and drop Yes/No from the components panel onto the Mission builder canvas. This can be done on an empty canvas or at any stage of Mission building.
  3. Click the ‘+’ sign above or below any existing task and choose Yes/No from the components list. 

Configure a yes/no task

  1. Task title: Title your newly created task with a question that requires a Yes or No answer.  
  2. Task description: If the task requires specific instruction or further information, add a brief task description to help the user interpret the assignment. 
  3. Set a task mode: Newly created tasks are required by default, meaning the user must submit a response. Tasks can be changed to optional in the Task Mode dropdown. If your company has advanced logic enabled, tasks can also be configured as Read Only. Read-only tasks cannot be answered, rather, they are used to display information to the user.yn_task_mode.png 

Add conditional tasks

You can add conditional tasks to any yes/no task. Conditional tasks allow for a specific subtask to be populated based on the Yes or No answer that was submitted. This allows users to expand on their selection with a customized follow-up that pertains to their original answer. 

To add a conditional task:

  1. Click on the ‘+’ icon to the right of a yes/no task title.
  2. Select a task type that provides logical follow-up to your initial yes/no task. Any task type can be added as a conditional to a yes/no parent task.
  3. Set a condition for the conditional task in the task configuration panel. This ensures the conditional task only appears when a specific answer is selected in the yes/no parent task.

You can add conditional tasks to conditional tasks, nesting multiple layers of child tasks as needed. 

Read more on conditional logic here


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